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Johnny Taylor time-lapse painting video

    His Master's Voice

    His Master's VoiceThis is a time-lapse video of a single 8-hour work day condensed to 3 minutes. The video was shot on November 10, 2012, while I was finishing this piece.There are some edits and cuts, but the video is a fairly accurate depiction of a typical workday and what goes into finishing a piece.

    My favorite part of the video is seeing how the light changes throughout the day. There’s natural morning light in the beginning, reddish colored afternoon light, and then the halogens come on in the late afternoon.


    Johnny Taylor timelapse video. from Johnny Taylor on Vimeo.



    Music by Brian Boyko



    2 thoughts on “Johnny Taylor time-lapse painting video”

    1. Hi, did you paint the dog freehand by memory? Usually I would have to sketch it out until the proportions are correct. What is the signifigance of the words in foreign languge? By the way ,I got here by seeing a comment you made on a article about art galleries on Art Business website.

    2. No, I painted the dog with a projector and from a pic. The text is “lorem ipsum” text, which is used by designers as placeholder text. There is no significance- I just like the look of text and use the lorem ipsum text so the viewer will look at the shapes of the letters rather than try to decode any meaning.

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